Archive Mode. Call Uniting the States ended on 8/4/17, 12:00 AM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
Giving Form to a Vision of Unity”
Best of Show: $1,000
Dear Artist,
Community Art Therapy Services Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization, is pleased to issue a call to artists for an online exhibition on “using art to give form to a vision of unity.” This is a call for artists working in all medias to submit work exemplifying how art can provide a common vision of hope and expectation. Abstract and figurative interpretations welcome.
After a tempestuous 2016 presidential election, many Americans, here within the United States and abroad, are struggling to put their feelings into words. Art has the ability to provide an explanation beyond words, unite people, and create concord among communities.
The focus of this call is on how diverse groups of people can find connections and use diversity as an asset. The purpose of this collaborative effort is to use the visual arts to unite and celebrate diversity. Your voice deserves to be heard and your vision of “greatness” and/or “goodness” deserves to be seen!
We invite all artists to submit original artwork on the theme of unity. A dynamic, multicultural panel of jurors will select the art for the show. Artists who participate and whose work is selected will be part of a live international online symposium. Individuals from anywhere in the world will be able to attend and participate in the online symposium. Artists will discuss their work and answer questions.
Additionally, selected artwork will be available for viewing in an online gallery for the month of January in 2018.
Jurors will announce the award winner the day of the online exhibition. The check will be mailed following the online exhibit. Attending the online symposium is required to receive the award. The ‘Best of Show’ award will total $1,000.
We strongly believe that art can provide a common vision of hope and harmony. Our Constitution priorities include justice, tranquility, promoting general welfare, and securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity in order to form a more perfect union. How do these priorities look in today’s world? How can these priorities be given form?
Thank you for your interest and for providing valuable insight through your art. Attached are the submission guidelines. The submission form is found online and the link is included here on page 2. For additional information or if you have questions, please contact Community Art Therapy Services Inc. at;
The theme of this call is “Uniting the States”. The content of artwork should be a narrative of, reflection upon, or expression about some aspect of this theme. Jurors are particularly interested in seeing art depicting images of people pulling together as a country through friendship, freedom, equality, and peace. Artworks will be judged based upon how effectively, clearly, and expressively the theme is explored.
Works submitted may be in any media. Artists are eligible to submit works without regard to sex, race, creed, or national origin. Artists must be 18 years of age or older.
Works in all media will be considered.
Works may have been completed in any year.
Rules of Entry:
Artists may submit up to 3 artworks. Submission fee is $25.
“Uniting the States” Online exhibition Calendar:
August 4, 2017 Entry Deadline
September 29, 2017 Notification of Acceptance
January 6, 2018 Online Symposium/ Webinar (noon-4pm EST)
Jan 1st-Feb 2nd 2018 Online Gallery Exhibit
Where is this show?
We will host an international art-viewing symposium online in webinar format. Artists and attendees will be able to interact in real-time while viewing the art. Additionally, selected artwork will be available for viewing in an online gallery for the month of January in 2018.
What is the length of the online symposium?
The symposium will be 4 hours in length. The emotional and cultural impact, artist vision, and viewer reaction will be discussed. The symposium will be recorded and the recording will be distributed to all artists within a week of the symposium.
How many artworks will be accepted?
When will I be notified if I will be part of the show?
September 29, 2017
When will I be notified if I won Best of Show?
January 6th 2018
How much is awarded to the artist for Best of Show?
Is there a cost to enter this online exhibition?
$25 per submission. Three work/submission maximum per artist.
Who will be the jurors?
Since this show is related to the cultural climate following the U.S. 2016 election, jurors will be a panel of five diverse community members including the following 1.) a university professor, 2.) an artist, 3.) a social service professional, and 4.) a business owner, and 5.) a government representative. This will allow us to select artwork with a broad impact that “puts a finger on the pulse of cultural significance” revealed through the image. Jurors will be anonymous volunteers selected by the board.
How will the show be judged?
Jurors will score each work blindly (they will not know the artists’ names associated with the works) and independently (they will not consult with one another on scores). The total scores will be tallied and the highest scoring work will receive Best of Show.